LabVIEW cRIO Toolkits
This category contains additional software for our cRIO modules. The driver software for the modules can be downloaded at no additional costs from our download page.
Graphical Screen Editor License
The Graphical Screen Editor is an Add-On toolkit for NI™ LabVIEW™ 2011 or higher (Windows). The toolkit allows to create screen layouts for SEA LCD displays (SEA 4912, SEA 4914) directly in LabVIEW. The screen layouts are created graphically by placing predefined LabVIEW controls on a virtual screen frame. A configuration can contain multiple layouts (within the limits of the system), which are saved in a single VI (Configuration-VI). With the export function a Configuration-VI can be transferred into a readable text file (XML formatted) for later use inside an application that drives a SEA LCD display. The utilization of a text file enables the operation of the application on a wide range of target systems, e.g. PC, CompactRIO™, Single-Board RIO™ etc.
Licensing: After the Installation a full-featured 30-days evaluation phase starts. Within this time period the product can be tried out, though must not be used for commercial purposes. For commercial use a license is mandatory. The complete licensing terms can be found in the End-User-License-Agreement (EULA).CompactRIO Products Home